Vyten Council Live: CMO Lessons on Cause-based Marketing

Vyten Council Live: CMO Lessons on Cause-based Marketing

Host Vincent Phamvan welcomes VCL guests Gloria Chou, PR expert, Nina Guttierrez, Former CMO and cause-based marketing consultant, and Jessica Gutierrez, VP and cause-based marketing consultant. They discuss branding, consumer engagement, loyalty, PR strategy, and how cause-based marketing is very important in the current and future business market.  Join our FREE Marketing Training session THURSDAY at 3:00pm (CT) to learn the top 3 secrets from CMOs! Hear former CMO Vincent Phamvan share the insight from the inner circle that will get you ahead in leveling up your career!  Free Marketing Training: Vyten.com/free-training

Host Vincent Phamvan welcomes VCL guests Gloria Chou, PR expert, Nina Guttierrez, Former CMO and cause-based marketing consultant, and Jessica Gutierrez, VP and cause-based marketing consultant. They discuss branding, consumer engagement, loyalty, PR strategy, and how cause-based marketing is very important in the current and future business market. 

Join our FREE Marketing Training session THURSDAY at 3:00pm (CT) to learn the top 3 secrets from CMOs! Hear former CMO Vincent Phamvan share the insight from the inner circle that will get you ahead in leveling up your career! 

Free Marketing Training: Vyten.com/free-training

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